#infoAnarchy Chump Archives for 2004, 2005RSS

last updated at 2005-04-20 19:44

get a haircut and get a real blog. || extreme spelling comp this channel


^matthew: " The purpose of this project is to evaluate the effects of oral administration of psilocybin on the symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) in 10 subjects with this condition."
^matthew: Could also be read as: Let's eat some magic mushrooms and see if we act funny.



^matthew: In which someone who really should know describes how we all have no privacy whatever, while making hand wavey motions about how maybe we can fix it if only someone could think of a way.


^matthew: "Why in the world would you think your (cell) phone would work in your house?" Verizon CEO said. "The customer has come to expect so much. They want it to work in the elevator; they want it to work in the basement."

The Rise of Disaster Capitalism

seti: by Naomi Klein, 2 May 2005
Ash: what's your wife's name, Vagina Coast Guard? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA
simmo: draw up elaborate "post-conflict" plans for up to twenty-five countries that are not, as of yet, in conflict
simmo: "three full-scale reconstruction operations in different countries 'at the same time,'" .. presumably because of obligations under international treaties to rebuild any nation you conquer, see Japan post WWII for example
seti: final paragraph is a bit of a late gem

Scientist: 90% of big fish in the oceans have disappeared in the last 20 years.

simmo: He sayd the only solution is fish sanctuaries, where fishing is completely banned
^matthew: Another possible solution: tuna steaks
simmo: see previously blogged url
simmo: realaudio stream available for a couple of weeks
simmo: more
simmo: see also info on traditional fishing by Indonesians in Australian waters
simmo: more see also, and more, and more

CDC: Dangers of being overweight overstated

^matthew: "Biostatistician Mary Grace Kovar, a consultant for the University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center in Washington, said "normal" may be set too low for today's population."
^matthew: Glad the CDC finally picked up on that. The rest of us knew it the minute we saw CDC's graphs of how normal people are supposed to look emaciated.
simmo: oops .. after checking their figures: 25,814 vs 365,000 deaths
simmo: people who are modestly overweight actually have a lower risk of death than those of normal weight CONSUME
simmo: This has been a community health announcement



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