#infoAnarchy Chump Archives for 2004, 2005RSS

last updated at 2005-05-20 20:22

penis eiffel tower bop gun | < cryptomail> when things asplode, I will neener and then stab.

Lecturer censored in Spanish University (UPV) for defending P2P networks

Ash: blah blah blah


cryptomail: from http://patrick.net/housing/crash.html


^matthew: Once again Germans want to be like us. Stop imitating us eurocommies!


Zero_vader: Pure Evil
^matthew: see also

top lasers

Ash: bop gun



simmo: see also

Clown Porn (NSFW)

coderman: "I'm not really sure what they were going for, the psychotics behind this movie crammed it full of terrible sound effects, music loops that are not looped correctly and only a second or two long, camerawork that makes Seymour Butts look like he was using a steady cam rig, and clowns born mewling from the womb of hell."
coderman: bwahaha, OMGWTFBBQ?!?!?
seti: I hate you codermang

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