#infoAnarchy Chump Archives for 2004, 2005RSS

last updated at 2005-10-19 21:30

CodeCon 2006 CFP -- http://codecon.org || I cast Level 8 Chicken of the Infinite

Big mountains. on Flickr, another dump-url-and-run by burtonator

seti: also

"Routine" arrest warrant issued for DeLay

burtonator: sooo awesome!
burtonator: makes my day

MFN SEC investigation document


uid0: I love the powerglove, it's so bad.
Ash: mischump
lemonodor: soundtrack by The Compression Artifact Salad Quartet


uid0: the floating rock is too far
^matthew: http://www.steps-plus.com/bumann/butter-d.htm
uid0: http://www.steps-plus.com/bumann/blues-b.JPG


uid0: if you hate your family/coworkers and have loud speakers, go here

Crazy couple thinks 16 kids is not enough.

^matthew: holy crap family photo


bk: While it has a lot of merits, socialized medecine is no panacea.
bk: medicine as well.


simmo: call for papers


simmo: surely someone's invented some sound-cancelling headphones with builtin train-detection circuitry?


simmo: Google should implement a 'find common elements' function so it can tell me what is common between the majority of results returned for a search, eg what programming toolkit produces the error message I see?

time-division-multiplexing of wifi connections on a single card (WinXP)

simmo: multiplexing of wifi connections on a single card (WinXP)

Why Plamegate Matters


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