#infoAnarchy Chump Archives for 2004, 2005RSS

last updated at 2005-11-29 21:52

< lemonodor> _I have two mommies, and they hate each other: a guide for children of #infoanarchy_


uid0: can someone in FL please go kill this person


uid0: needs sound
uid0: awesome
nene: someone has too much time on their hands :)
Ash: is that form Bladerunner?


Zerodhero: Also Great


Zerodhero: Prolly a repost, but still worth it

Seymour Hersh - Up In The Air

seti: loaded with peeks into the future of Iraq and some very scary stuff about Bush's mental make-up
seti: transcript of his interview on CNN yesterday
simmo: he wears makeup?
simmo: <Bush> YEAH WE'LL PULL OUT. We'll pull out the ground troops, then we gonna bomb those suckas instead! Hee!
simmo: US Generals sit on information that things "fucked up" in Iraq
simmo: 93% of the resistance in Iraq is coming from actual Iraqis .. not Jihadists from other countries, according to Defense Appropriations Subcommittee
simmo: attacks on US troops increased 400% in the last year
simmo: above what they already were .. 150/wk => 700/wk
simmo: Bush now thinks the terrorists are in a "war on humanity"
simmo: and he now thinks Iraq is in the central front
simmo: his cronies carp on about his religious zealism, hoping that will ensure the remaining 40% or whatever of the American populace will sympathise with him, even if they don't agree with him
simmo: Q3 2004: "3rd Marine Aircraft Wing alone had dropped more than five hundred thousand tons of ordnance"
simmo: a lot of speculation about the harm that personal grudges on the part of Iraqi forces might do if power is turned over to them. Anyone remember where the phrase 'this is personal' fits into this war?
simmo: given the statistics, I guess it wasn't so personal after all.
simmo: "Chalabi, who is notorious for his role in promoting flawed intelligence on weapons of mass destruction before the war, is now a deputy Prime Minister."
simmo: the words ... "to keep an American presence the right way. Mission accomplished. A coup for Bush." seem somehow ominous to me.
simmo: and now the US is fighting covertly in Syria.
simmo: the end.

Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-Cali.) pleads guilty to taking bribes, resigns

simmo: crumbling
simmo: still believe all those military sermons?

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