#infoAnarchy Chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006RSS

last updated at 2006-01-13 23:56

having sex with wife is not count as getting liad||toad licking

Real music Goddess

Gonzales to testify on domestic spying

coderman: "The absolute worst thing that we could do is to talk about the operational aspects of a highly classified program that has been very successful in protecting America and divulge all that information to the enemy," -- I don't know, that sounds pretty informative to me!
^matthew: His logic is sound until we start deciding who "the enemy" refers to.

Sea Based X-Band Radar

The mouse that killed my engine

coderman: ahahaha, poor mouse.

Volkswagen Vanagons with Subaru WRX Turbo engines

coderman: LOLDONGS!

Where to live if you are a homeless bum

coderman: that means you, plueng!
uid0: that's whichever city has no interweb access
rovar: not on the list -- nicest cities:
rovar: --- 1. Seattle
rovar: --- 2. Portland

Microsoft windows meta-file exploit was intentional backdoor

coderman: jist of the story: exploit requires payload length of 1. all valid payloads are at least 3. therefor, size '1' to exploit is intentional backdoor!
steve_gibs: "It's an intentional backdoor, so that they may access a machine."
Rovar: "Who's 'they'?"
steve_gibs: "You know... them."
rovar: "Cue men in black flak rapelling through the window via silent helicopter. "

Now that's one magnificent Idiot With Firewall(tm).




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