#infoAnarchy Chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006RSS

last updated at 2006-01-16 23:48

<uid0> but hey, it's good to be kind!

Bootstrapping the Coyotos Kernel



coderman: i bust a cap in your confused deputy asses!

Coyotos - Secure Operating System

Rovar: I win!

don't fuck with hick texas cops!

coderman: yee ha!
coderman: (i bet they don't even get temporary suspension with pay. your tax dollars at work. (well, not mine, but you poor texas bastards. heheh))

trade in those balls for a few more years of life?

XBox 360 sales are sucking

coderman: probably because the console itself is sucking
coderman: gimme 2 teraflops of cell in a PS3 that runs loonix, bitches

Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey for Governor of Minnesota - 2006

uid0: http://www.jonathonforgovernor.us/images/Jonathon_Swords_A.jpg


Dutch consider banning burqas

uid0: wtf
uid0: suggested by one of the guys on the list found stabbed into Theo Van Gogh
uid0: "In the city of Maaseik, in Belgium - which lies a few hundred yards from the Dutch border - a ban on wearing the niqab is already in place. Mayor Jan Creemers said he brought it forward because old people were afraid and children cried when women started appearing in long black robes with their faces covered."

The Earth is about to catch a morbid fever that may last as long as 100,000 years

coderman: dooooooomed! dOOOOOOmed!

Sovereignty in cyberspace: Two legal scholars puncture the myth of the borderless, lawless Internet

coderman: "In other words, forget all that talk about a borderless utopia and about blogs dissolving dictatorships-or at least tamp it down. When it comes to the Internet, ''The story of the next 10 years will be one of rising government power," says Tim Wu

Their Levees - Our Levees


uid0: stupid blog story about hoarding things
uid0: vaguely mentions porn, huge letdown
Ash: Oliver is trying to quit porn cold turkey
Ash: yeah, where's the porn in that story? lame
uid0: this is Oliver's way of telling us he's a Crazy Cat Lady<tm>
Oliver: Not my fault, i didn't find it!
Ash: or maybe a Crazy Cat-Porn Lady<tm>
uid0: this blog is stupid. fyi.

Cuba switches to Linux.


uid0: Ricky Gervais podcast
^matthew: much more useful url: http://podcast.rickygervais.com/jan1605episode7.mp3

Flash: Use of the word 'cool' in Germany


Gen_Porpoise: note highly compressed video docos at left
Gen_Porpoise: of course you need m$ wmvs to play them since the server is proudly sponsored by them
Oliver: In words: WMP or another WMV player is required to view video
Gen_Porpoise: with m$ dlls
Gen_Porpoise: or ok perhaps some other proprietry implementation. why doesn't it play with divx? who knows
Gen_Porpoise: it's not the codec or the sponsor or the compression level that makes them interesting. .. the content is interesting

My arse


burtonator: Japanese Tissues: 24hour Call OK - Love Delivery Service

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