#infoAnarchy Chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006RSS

last updated at 2006-02-09 23:16

"The Bloggies combine the puerile pomp of awards shows with the rabid self-importance of bloggers. And the winner is ... ?"

Invisible Children

Mutiny: A true story about children in Uganda being brutalized and recruited into the rebel army of a mad man.


uid0: good thing there's no actual crime in england, and they have time to take care of these quality of life crimes!


Mutiny: Great concept, so many botched details.
Mutiny: Ditch the side pods, just my advice.


uid0: watch until ~2min in
uid0: i can totally do that

SNL - The Chronic of Narnia Rap

cryptomail: Njoy


qEd: 'Treason is OK because Dick Cheney told me to do it.' (slight paraphrase from Scooter Libby)
Ash: if dick cheney can't tell you treason is OK, who can?
Ash: i mean come on


qEd: A federal health official said Thursday that there was a strong possibility that popular drugs like Ritalin used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may be linked to the deaths of 25 people.
qEd: The drugs include amphetamines, such as Adderall, and methylphenidates, sold as Ritalin, Concerta, Methylin and Metadate.
qEd: O NOES you mean amphetamines can be bad for you if used incorrectly?

Real Women Don't Do Housework

coderman: "If you believe in equality of the sexes either as a condition or a social goal, you will be offended by this website."
coderman: "If you believe that sex is sacred and special, not something to be used as a means to an end, you will be offended by this website."
rovar: "Sometimes I get excited just doing the housework for her."--Husband
rovar: It's grown-up time now.. And I'm the man.


uid0: Bush (sr) had some "sex-setbacks"


uid0: Janet Reno Sings "Respect"
uid0: holy christ on a pogo stick my psyche


rovar: It puts the lotion on its laptop, it does

Young Bush appointee resigns his post at NASA

seti: attempted to keep information from scientists and lied on his resume, too

Yes! The god of video games has answered my prayers.

rovar: I know what I'm doing today.


rovar: Yea? What you got, MacBook Pro?



Iran Lonely Planet snapshot: says it all, really.

LEGO Difference Engine


exotic threat models

seti: remote stabbing over TCP/IP

Do it Yourself .Mac

Linkable Democratic Group Signatures

coderman: "In a variety of group-oriented applications cryptographic primitives like group signatures or ring signatures are valuable methods to achieve anonymity of group members. However, in their classical form, these schemes cannot be deployed for applications that simultaneously require (i) to avoid centralized management authority like group manager and (ii) the signer to be anonymous only against non-members while group memb
coderman: "The idea of recently introduced {\it democratic group signatures} is to provide these properties. Based on this idea we introduce a group-oriented signature scheme that allows the group members to trace the identity of any other group member who issued a signature while non-members are only able to link the signatures issued by the same signer without tracing."

Gun/freedom pr0n

MagSafe patent

seti: QT movie seems borked

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