#infoAnarchy Chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006RSS

last updated at 2006-03-14 23:22

<coderman> nothing wrong with a little man boob fondling || is it completeley non-gay to fondle moobs if all the girls your age dont have boobs yet?


20/20 says American kids are stupid

Metal Is So Precious That Scrap Thieves Now Tap Beer Kegs

Snicker at your friends for DL'ing chix.w.dix.dvdrip.avi


Zerodhero: Ipod packaging, the M$ way


Virginia Tech's 24 display array "workstation"

Mmmm beer


j_blogs: <blink>irony</blink>

Ante-graffiti: Australia bans PC game set in world dominated by government intolerant of free speech <insert irony here>

j_blogs: australians not so dumb .. even though their government treats them that way
j_blogs: also interview with the game producer (mp3)
j_blogs: more quotes and opinions from the wierdos who banned it
j_blogs: but the best are the quotes from the NY judge who threw out the attempt to ban the launch party in the US. yay!
j_blogs: <Judge Rakoff (yes that's his real name)> By the same token, presumably, a street performance of Hamlet would be tantamount to encouraging revenge murder... As for a street performance of Oedipus Rex, don't even think about it...
j_blogs: tell you what, i never have felt the urge to grafitti more than i felt on reading about how these people banned this game.

The Bible. Illustrated with Lego

j_blogs: N=nudity | S=sex | V=violence | C=cursing
j_blogs: Yup, it's the bizzle with the schizzle, it's got the lot (and his wife)
j_blogs: useful translatory aid if you do not know you bible fully

dog panda

Isaac Hayes Quites South Park

huslage: he quit too.
huslage: "There is a place in this world for satire, but there is a time when satire ends and intolerance and bigotry towards religious beliefs of others begins," the 63-year-old soul singer and outspoken Scientologist said.
huslage: doh.
j_blogs: you mean those lyrics to all those songs are scientologist lyrics?! OMG
j_blogs: E:<iamnottheblackprivatedick .idonotgetallthechicks. .. must resist.>

A short, concise musing on the human existencial dilemma.

rovar: Soap, and water. Soap, and water. Soap and water.
j_blogs: you can do this with a C=64

Via unveils high performance mini-ITX line

coderman: yay! the C7 proc with C5J core is in production!
coderman: 4096bit montgomery multiplier and sha new to padlock engine...
Gen_Porpoise: Just what the world needs! more montgomeries!
Gen_Porpoise: o_O
Gen_Porpoise: <blink>

One est link, no titles spotted

Ash: you misspelled 'titties'
seti: and for that I apologise.
j_blogs: he mis-spelled 'penis' too

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