#infoAnarchy Chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006RSS

last updated at 2006-03-23 22:41


ATM Theft Investigators Eye Software Flaw

coderman: what a beautiful combination of fucked security. 1) POS (point of sale, not PIECE OF SHIT) software that is configured with tracing enabled, meaning debit card numbers and PIN's are getting stored
coderman: and 2) insecure wireless networks attached to the POS terminals to make theft of stored card data trivial
coderman: man.. i'm long to go back to all cash all the time again. although carying around hundreds in cash can be a bit disconcerting at times...

Cellphone bugging found in SA companies

coderman: "Tim Jackson, counter-espionage technical expert with corporate security company GriffithsReid, said: "The modifications to the cellphone mean that it does not ring when its number is dialled, but simply switches on and then transmits whatever sounds it picks up on a sensitive microphone attached to the cellphone electronics board."

Attacking LCCC Batch Verification of RSA Signatures

coderman: "Batch verification of digital signatures is used to improve the computational complexity when large number of digital signatures must be verified. Lee at al. [2] proposed a new method to identify bad signatures in batches efficiently. We show that the method is flawed." - doh!


Zerodhero: New Legend Of Zelda for the DS

Texas has begun sending undercover agents into bars to arrest drinkers for being drunk, a spokeswoman for the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission said on Wednesday.

Zerodhero: Texas, the bad ass state with dry countys and drive through bars... now its illegal to be drunk in a bar and in public

Quantum effects explained in easy-to-grasp terms

coderman: lol, and people are still confused. i grokked quantum once i realized it was all ephemeral probabilities rather than conrete physical particles at that level
coderman: that is, the quantum foam of reality
coderman: once you get past that part, dive into M-theory


Zerodhero: Oil Standard is a web browser plug-in that converts all prices from U.S. Dollars into the equivalent value in barrels of crude oil.

Unsatisfied employees use Web to look for work at work

coderman: lol, of course they do.
Zerodhero: Not just unsatisfied employees, all employees


Zerodhero: If i could only have this done for the WOW freaks

Sun Grid hit by network attack

coderman: "To let people try out the Sun Grid, the company made a text-to-speech translation service publicly accessible for, for example, turning blog entries into podcasts. "It became the focus of a denial-of-service attack," Aisling MacRunnels, Sun's senior director of utility computing, said in an interview Wednesday."
coderman: "Dealing with the issue was relatively easy: Sun moved the service to be within the regular Sun Grid, which requires authorization to use. "We had to defend against a bunch. There were too many coming against us, so we moved it inside," MacRunnels said."
coderman: never let unauthenticated users consume resources
coderman: unless you're a philanthropist

New Sendmail vuln


lemonodor: this electro graf is sooo coool
lemonodor: magnetic paint + conductive paint + stencil + magnetic LEDs + rx = fun
lemonodor: don't forget the killer Talon bot





South Park-Great Secret Doctrine of Life Behind Scientology

Chef Returns - R.I.P. Chef (part V or so?)

Chef Returns (part IV)

Chef Returns (part II)

Chef Returns (part I)

Scientology Vs South Park

coderman: FUCK $cientology!!!


Diagnosing svn". It is stored here

coderman: "So here's the first mistake: the idea of a transactional FS is like a shiny new hammer. It's pretty natural to let it possess you and start running around looking for nails."
coderman: "Second mistake: The assumption that "a filesystem DB pretty much solves revision control -- all the rest is just a small matter of hacking"
coderman: "Fifth mistake: jumping on the W3C bandwagon."
coderman: "Sixth mistake: assuming that defining APIs all over the place would improve chances for success."

what the _fuck_ did you just say??

coderman: i said VICTORIA! VICTORIA!! w00t!

Version Control Shenanigans

coderman: never has Shenanigans been used more appropriately.
coderman: "Git was originally supposed to be simple and fast, except new developments are heading it in the direction of being not so simple and not so fast, and its network protocol is currently a disaster. The good news is that Git is basically a ripoff of a bunch of the architectural ideas behind Monotone, which are good ideas, so it can't be as big of a disaster as, say, Subversion"

Atheists identified as America’s most distrusted minority

coderman: "American’s increasing acceptance of religious diversity doesn’t extend to those who don’t believe in a god, according to a national survey by researchers in the University of Minnesota’s department of sociology."
coderman: "From a telephone sampling of more than 2,000 households, university researchers found that Americans rate atheists below Muslims, recent immigrants, gays and lesbians and other minority groups in “sharing their vision of American society.” Atheists are also the minority group most Americans are least willing to allow their children to marry."
coderman: oh man, fuck all you easter bunny, creationist loving, fairy tale believing motherfuckers!
coderman: except the tolerant ones. you guys are cool.
coderman: i can't tolerate intolerance goddamnit!
coderman: "The researchers also found acceptance or rejection of atheists is related not only to personal religiosity, but also to one’s exposure to diversity, education and political orientation—with more educated, East and West Coast Americans more accepting of atheists than their Midwestern counterparts" - hey, this explains the wife swapping DORK SIDED episode!
coderman: also, atheists are dishonest, everyone should really be agnostic.
coderman: heheh
seti: screw you, unthinkers of the world.

Chef Gets Big Send-Off on 'South Park'

coderman: "Isaac Hayes' Chef character got a true "South Park" send-off Wednesday night - seemingly killed off but mourned as a jolly old guy whose brains were scrambled by the "Super Adventure Club."
coderman: "The thinly disguised satire continued the show's feud with Scientologists in its 10th season premiere on Comedy Central."
coderman: "Chef repeatedly said he wanted to "make sweet love" to the "South Park" elementary school kids - it seems the "Super Adventure Club" turns its members into child molesters." - LOL
coderman: "The children try to rescue Chef, but in the end he turns to head back to the "Super Adventure Club" - until he falls off a bridge onto rocks, is burned, stabbed and mauled by a mountain lion and bear.
coderman: "We shouldn't be mad at Chef for leaving us," the eulogy concludes. "We should be mad at that fruity little club for scrambling his brains."

Using continuations in Web applications is patented

lemonodor: and yahoo owns 'em


w00t, Sun Grid services available for purchase

coderman: i'm gonna check their ToS for any restrictions on dictionary attack and hash collision processing...


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