#infoAnarchy Chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006RSS

last updated at 2006-07-12 21:28

<also> that was then, this is now


nym: shiney shade material
nym: 31 cents per sq foot

NSA encryption systems

coderman: "recent systems are just black boxes, often literally. In fact they are called blackers in NSA parlance because they convert classified signals (red) into unclassified signals (black)."
coderman: "Controls can be limited to selecting between key fill, normal operation and diagnostic modes and an all important zeroize button that erases classified information including keys and perhaps the encryption algorithms."
coderman: sounds like a pretty good usability factor there...
coderman: regarding trunk encryption: "Another example is the KG-189, which support SONET optical standards up to 2.5 Gbit/s" - 2.5Gbps of AES-256? i hope they didn't pay more than $100 for that core! :P

Just watch it! :)

Internet Filters: A Public Policy Report

coderman: "We hope that Internet Filters: A Public Policy Report will prove a useful resource for policymakers, parents, teachers, librarians, and all others concerned with the Internet, intellectual freedom, or the education of youth."

Land Rover 0 - Mud 1

seti: sucking mud


Vladimir Putin weighs in on gigantic humanoid war robots, the coming awakening of Cthulhu, and his own sex life.

anomie: Yes, we will use the latest technical devices. Already now they are being stationed, for example, in the southern parts of our country, Putin said when reporters asked him after the conference whether Russia planned to use gigantic, humanoid war robots to defend itself.

ROFL, eBay spam!


SkyNews pr0n!

Oliver: For the blind, left hand side for uncovered tats!
also: toro toro, see you tomorrow my son
also: bit of cock-and-bull if you ask me

Google sinks Valletta, Malta with no trace of prior existance!

Oliver: Hope nobody was there, because they'll be a bit wet now
Oliver: El Reg - "Look on the bright side, though: since you either don't exist or are currently drowned, you can reasonably argue with the boss that the rest of the afternoon spent in front of a bottle of excellent red wine is in order. Go to it."


Oliver: PlusNET (UK ISP) deletes 700GB of customer email, oopsie!

Jacko camping

Bald chicken needs no plucking.

Mutiny: I just lost my appetite.
also: folks, chooks are pink underneath

Jack Camping


Mutiny: The days of having a big heavy Sun to anchor your rack against California earthquakes has returned.
also: get one up ya
also: where the cuk do you put the liquid nitrogen?
also: <sun> You'll want this now that we have ZFS to TAKE OVER THE WORLD MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
also: <linux> OH FUCK http://www.uwsg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0606.1/0268.html
also: quote of the day: "Thumper is an impressive system. Even if just for the concept. There is just one problem: no Sun Microsystems in Romania"
also: $2.50/gigabyte and it can run all your apps too
also: at 4U just leaves enough room in the colo for the tape backup system
also: s
also: don't get too excited .. it's SATA

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