#infoAnarchy Chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006RSS

last updated at 2006-08-12 22:03


(Youtube) Just Say No To Holland Cybersex

Italian words for coffee

I think it's time for seti to repeat his prediction again

seti: I predict that in two years 90% of the intarweb will consist of links to YouTube.

<fridge> is there a name for this style of illustration?

nnnnn: US propaganda comics
nnnnn: russian revolutionary art
nnnnn: more russian revolutionary art i guess
nnnnn: lino cut posters
nnnnn: aha the correct label: soviet constructivism! weee!
fridge: http://www.bruteprop.com/v1/gallery/
nnnnn: "Soviet Constructivists were not just artists, they were visionaries: visionaries with a strong desire to promote the growth of post-revolutionary Russia. The constructivists were engineers too; building a society from the ideas of an utopian Russia."
nnnnn: pop-art, prop-art, graphic design ... industrial art, stencil art
nnnnn: poster art



est: is there a name for this style of illustration?
nnnnn: <est> it is know as pleungtock
nnnnn: <est> tock-art

Summary of the parking meter corruption UN NY story chumped earlier

nnnnn: this time with information
nnnnn: for free
nnnnn: 1Kuwait246.2
nnnnn: "UN diplomats as a whole owe New York City over $18 million in unpaid parking fines"
nnnnn: damned fines and statistics

If Richard Feynman applied for a job at Microsoft

nnnnn: "That statement is a tautology."
nnnnn: how long is a piece of rope?
nnnnn: So we sent him out to buy some office supplies...
nnnnn: "How is anyone supposed to know that this isn't just a bunch of crap?"

Emergency phone sex

nnnnn: public enemy: 911 a joke in your town


Rapes (per capita) by country

nnnnn: #3 Australia
nnnnn: #5 Canada
nnnnn: #65 Saudi Arabia
nnnnn: repoted rapes? or weighted for under-reporting?
nnnnn: "Total recorded rapes. Crime statistics are often better indicators of prevalence of law enforcement and willingness to report crime, than actual prevalence."

Seven Common Signs of Lying

nnnnn: 1. "No sir, I never. It weren;t me what done it, it must have been the other fella."

dishonestly obtaining sexual services

Forbes: Google CEO "no fun in person"

Pic of exploding WTC

nytimes article: requires registration

hug + jailtime == slap on the wrist?

chump change unacceptable declares court

bs check "contempt"


When a poor man creates a religion it is bound to be full of your desires, your greed, your lust, and a promise that everything will be fulfilled. When a rich man creates a religion his religion is going to be a purity, a silence, a beautiful space. But you are one with that beautiful space, not separate.

nnnnn: "everyone get's what they want"
nnnnn: "the grass is always greener"
nnnnn: <gresco> unless you drop acid on it
nnnnn: note: in fact, the grass is not always greener .. I just meant the saying
nnnnn: also, we don't all get what we want, actually, i said it to refer to some quote
nnnnn: and the top line is a quote, i didn't say that myself

California's prisons: Packing them in

Cultures of Corruption: Evidence From Diplomatic Parking Tickets

nnnnn: where is a blagged copy of this?
nnnnn: I'm not gonna pay 5 frigging dollars
est: oh..sorry about that..the Economist article that refers to it is pay too



Perseid Meteor Shower this weekend

est: Perseus is North of Cassiopeia
nnnnn: is that near encino?

Rumsfeld Fu!

est: includes Twin Cobra Fist, Coffee Palm, Tiger Claw, ...


bk: "The Kids' Guide to Hitchhiking"

kinda funny

seti: I repeat my prediction that in two years 90% of the internet will consist of links to youtube.
cryptomail: I welcome the future

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