#infoAnarchy Chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006RSS

last updated at 2006-08-14 23:13

Pull the plug little johnny!

The negative return economy: a discourse on America’s black budget

coderman: "re you curious about how the Federal government could accumulate more than $4 trillion in “undocumentable transactions,” or how Federal agencies cannot pass audits year after year? Understanding the Black Budget is central to understanding the modern American economy."
coderman: the dollar is soo fucked.
coderman: "The Iran Contra episode during the 1980s contained all these elements; although many are familiar with the sale of arms to Iran to provide cash to finance CIA backed guerrillas in Nicaragua and death squads in El Salvador, less well-known is the systematic looting of local financial institutions and narcotics sales in the US. Banking allows the application of leverage to the cash that is generated by “illegal” ac
coderman: now you know why the drug war exists. certainly not to "fight drugs". LOL
coderman: "One can thus readily see the importance of the illegal drug trade to the financial services industry. As it happens, this trade in illegal profits is concentrated in four states: Texas, New York, Florida and California, or four Federal Reserve districts: Dallas, New York, Atlanta and San Francisco. Can anyone seriously suppose that the Fed is unaware of this if the Department of Justice is? It, after all, handles the
coderman: "One reason for the Fed’s silence is that agencies of the government itself have been involved in drug trafficking for sixty years or more. [19]"
coderman: we must sell drugs to fight them!
coderman: we must destroy freedom to protect it!
coderman: god bless amerika!

totally photoshopped mang!

coderman: pull the feeding tube!
coderman: or show the corpse. one of the two...
coderman: "The Associated Press cannot verify the authenticity or the date when these photographs were shot. (AP Photo/HO)"

Using fragmentation attacks to compromise WEP almost instantly. WEP is REALLY REALLY dead now!

coderman: ahahah, fuck you, TKIP

The INQUIRER Guide to Exploding Batteries

US visa-waiver program

coderman: "I fell in love with the USA once. It was built on beautiful principles. Alas, it appears to have forsaken those in the name of security and expediency."


Zerodhero: Tapping text messages to trap criminals
Zerodhero: iminals could one day be routinely trapped on the basis of how they write cellphone texts. Researchers at the University of Leicester, UK, are investigating the tell-tale texting styles that allow individuals to be distinguished from one another.
Zerodhero: he use of predictive texting, and abbreviations using numbers instead of letters, such as L8 instead of late, can also identify people, the researchers say. Statistical methods developed for linking crimes to serial offenders can be applied to the content of texts to reveal patterns.
Zerodhero: So all those teenagers really are criminals?

Segway Launches 2 New Scooters

coderman: this "lean steer" sounds fun. i want one!

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the next Hitler?

Mutiny: Godwin's Law activated!
coderman: "... there was something about the man's demeanor and appearance that I found eerily similar to Adolf Hitler. In the late 1920's and early '30's Hitler was written off as a sort of silly looking rabble rouser by the real powers behind the scenes in Weimer Germany."
coderman: "Even as late as January 1933 when Hitler assumed the Chancellorship, much of the German "establishment" thought that he could be controlled. They were, of course, wrong.

SEDA -- Staged Event-Driven Architecture

coderman: sort of faddish, but incorporates some good design idioms for scalable network services


VMware Ultimate Virtual Appliance Challenge

coderman: please announce today, and not friday, u bastards!
coderman: and please let us win something. i need some hookers and blow

BAD APPLE! null cipher suites == teh suck

coderman: "What should concern you, however, is that Apple has chosen to include a testing/debug NULL cipher in their production (and completely unmodifiable w/o recompiling System.framework) cipherlist: TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_MD5 (0x0001)
coderman: "I filed a bug with Apple on this back in February, I encourage others to do so as well at http://radar.apple.com . Ask them to include the AES ciphers while you're at it, it's only been 5 years or so since it was standardized..."
coderman: of course, using firefox gives you good ciphersuites

'9 Beet Stretch' is a recording of Ludwig van Beethoven's ninth symphony stretched to 24 hours, without pitch distortion.

seti: Downloadable MP3 version at Planet Mirror seems to be (temporarily?) offline

Your Band Name Sucks: 50 of the Inexcusably Worst

Schnier blog on UK liquid terror pt2

OpenOffice "rootkit in hiding" according to experts

nnnnn: i made that up. but it's true
nnnnn: "\Given the choice between a known-to-be-vulnerable $200 suite and a hypothetically-vulnerable Freeware suite, I'll take the latter."

DIY 100% random number generator for $100

nnnnn: or free if you have a smoke detector and a webcam and some metal to use as RF shielding
nnnnn: I think you could just hook up the electrics of the smoke detector to an audio input and get an equivalent result .. dust is pretty uniformly dispersed, and the smoke coming from your CPU can be recycled for greater entropy in emergency

"software" virtualisation (VMWare) outperforms "hardware" virtualisation

nnnnn: not too surprising, since x86 basically provided for virtualisation already, just the software layer needs some tweaking to make it stop hogging ...
nnnnn: so .. using a hardware hack to tweak the software turns out slower than tweaking the software ;)
nnnnn: MS gonna release their Xen port of 2k/XP/Win2k3 now? thought not



If at first you don't succeed, there's always the hard way.

Hurry up: her interest's waning

fridge: Lies
nnnnn: "Klusmann, whose work will be published this week in the journal Human Nature, has compared his findings to the sexual habits of prairie voles and offers an evolutionary explanation."
nnnnn: people drink more on weekends

Seen on the street..geek fashion!

nnnnn: better than a 9mm for a garter and a hunting knife for a brooch ...
est: larger version
nnnnn: . o O (I'm not looking my best ... )
nnnnn: thought bubble from the right-hand bearded guy

Six Places to Nuke When You're Serious

nnnnn: new James Bond film or 6, anyone?
nnnnn: interesting there is no speculation on the page (yet) re possiblity that the Indian Ocean tsunami was man-made .. or even use of that event in speculation about plausibility of the concept...
nnnnn: or is it .. another job for SUPERMAN

Pluto's Status Attacked!

nnnnn: "downgrade Pluto's status, or add as many as 14 others" demands Astronomers Union
nnnnn: <majikthise> now that is what I call thinking!
nnnnn: "a greater analyst than the Googleplex Star Thinker in the Seventh Galaxy of Light and Ingenuity"

Go Bush!


Dread Haunches of Ngawatock

"Size Comparison"

est: can you pronounce "Quaoar"?
nnnnn: Q-ROWR!@

We are sorry, but we don't have imagery at this zoom level for this region.

coderman: no peeking at the NSA EKMS Central Facility
nnnnn: We are sorry, but we don't have lingery at this zoom level for this region.

Secure DTD2000 System

coderman: "The KIK-20 Secure DTD2000 System (SDS) is a key fill device developed by Sypris Electronics under the auspices of the U.S. National Security Agency. It is intended to eventually replace the AN/CYZ-10 key fill device, along with older units still in service, and can support a wide variety of cryptographic devices and key types."
coderman: the thought of paper key tapes still in use cracks me up.


est: Sex Swing

That's Mr. Slave to you, jezuz christ...

good key management can be a pain in the ass

coderman: let's make it simpler!

rabbits are members of the 'hare' or Leporidae family. just in case you were wondering...

cryptomail: fsck like em :)

will coder ever make another conference?

coderman: sixth attempt is the charm!
coderman: ... or something
est: coder will make estcon
coderman: agreed. or the kitten gets it!
coderman: (then, when the forces that be conspire to keep me away, i can say, "for the love of god, think of the kittens!" and refuse them forthwith)

Nice pants

nnnnn: Page 1 of 16

cowpatty and aircrack for dictionary attacks against WPA-PSK auth/privacy and lookup tables (NOT Rainbow tables u fucks) for common SSIDs/dicts

coderman: almost got padlock PHE accel working; screw your software digests! :P~


nnnnn: i wanna know where are the low stress poor folk

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