#infoAnarchy Chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006RSS

last updated at 2006-08-28 22:01

Jesus Is Not a Republican

fridge: He was a hippie; he had long hair and didn't have a job.
anomie: And he drank quite a lot of wine.
rovar: And smoked the reefer, and hung out with hos

Quantum Tunneling on your kitchen table

How to Sleep Well

Found on a lamp post in San Francisco

anomie: Does anyone have any ideas wtf?
rovar: Crystal Meth
cryptomail: Don't go near author ...BAD NEWS
rovar: Free the author to bring back everything.

(Guardian, Aug 27) Britannia rules the raves again

Quick Change Artists on America's Got Talent

Howto turn your building into a giant Microwave oven

Changes - short animation from pepeland.com

SHA1 roll-your-own hash collisions

Neat hybrid split cycle design

Botnet Attack Sentence: 3 Years

It was a good thing that the object of concern at Ottawa airport was only a drenched iPod and not an explosive that could have blown up the plane on the tarmac.

plutonoid: <phew!>
plutonoid: LUCKY
plutonoid: A NEAR THING.
plutonoid: IT WAS ALMOST A BOMB!!!1~!
plutonoid: she lied about the motivation of the dumper
plutonoid: he explicitely covered that in his own blog. he didn't know it was in there. why does she try to lay an extra guilt trip on the poor guy? 'he said, she said .. blah blah blah'
plutonoid: of course he may have lied .. but how would she know what the fuck went on in the toilet? but otherwise, nice article, nice to get lots of angles on a story
plutonoid: and she has a PhD in something.

Why noone cares whether you believe in global warming you stupid arse-headed right ring vogon, aka "the population of big fish has declined by 90% over the last 50 years"

plutonoid: rechump, you better believe it, dickface
plutonoid: this should be rechumped again every single fucking day until we are all crawling on the see shore sifting mud, covered in toxic bloom pus rash and syphilis from the sewers
plutonoid: why don't you blog some counterclaims to that one, shitfarter?
plutonoid: woohoohoo "liberal conspiracy alarmist treehuggers" woohoohoo
nnnnn: offsite cache
nnnnn: mutha natcha gon' get PRIMEVAL on our arse
plutonoid: yes, there is a penalty for being a lazy self indulgent whiner who likes ice cream and driving a 4wd in town, and you know your mother told you so but you didn't listen
plutonoid: sad thing is, we're all paying it
plutonoid: <nature> it's not quite instant, we like to call it karma while-you-wait
plutonoid: but don't call yet, because if you take our special offer, you'll get a FREE SET OF STEAK KNIVES!!!
plutonoid: damn it sucks being such lazy greedy pigs who like to breed.
plutonoid: with big brains, but not quite big enough to figure this shit out. STOP OVERPOPULATING, DICKHEAD.
plutonoid: And eat your fucking greens. Pity nitrogen doesn't burn, or we'd be FUCKING SET. Oh well.
plutonoid: more
plutonoid: more

Chumby Device Overview

Awesome new device

huslage: not up right now
huslage: <brag> I got one! </brag>

Run by the Daily Chump bot.