#infoAnarchy Chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006RSS

last updated at 2006-11-03 14:00


from uid0 with <3

uid0: nukes lolz
TimLearysHead: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Iraqi_Freedom_documents
TimLearysHead: wp:"Many of the documents seem to make clear that Saddam's regime had given up on seeking a WMD capability by the mid-1990s." seems to me as likely an explanation of why US govt took the site down, as anything ..
uid0: i love how the same documents were presented to the UN Security Council--edited to hell
TimLearysHead: <powell> <saddam> We _______ make bomb ...

Former boss of Computer Associates sentenced to 12 years

TimLearysHead: investors cheered
TimLearysHead: ( WTF?! ) o .

cryptomail: Outlook express is such a dog

Former Treasury Secretary Robrert Rubin's Ill-timed Gamble Against the Dollar

est: Paul A. Volcker, the Fed chairman who whipped inflation in the ¹80s, has become sufficiently worried to call the circumstances as ³dangerous and intractable² as any he can remember. Yet, he laments, no one in Washington is taking steps to minimize the risks.

Tom Cruise and MGM re-launch United Artists

resveratrol's life-extension benefits confirmed

Oliber: Wheres my weed with resveratrol?

Crazy koreans prove that invading their castles is probably not a good plan.

rik: Archery skillz video

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