#infoAnarchy Chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006RSS

last updated at 2006-11-09 23:14

( . Y . ) && 8===D ~ && (:) || health-education-food-shelter-oss


cryptomail: <AG> you still owe me even tho I got you in this dress

Pelosi Calls Talk of Bush, Cheney Pardons Premature

coderman: ""Let's not get ahead of ourselves," said Rep. Pelosi, who as House Speaker would stand third in the presidential succession line. "There are no specific charges or articles of impeachment at this point, and so it's silly to speak of pardoning them.""
coderman: "Let's not be too hasty for emotional closure," the California Democrat added. "Our long national nightmare has only just begun.""
coderman: She then added, "It will take time to impeach these two war mongering criminals, but rest assured, they will be brought to justice and I will lead America on the path toward recovery as your new president and command in chief!"
Mutiny: ^^^^^^^^ a joke
cryptomail: "Someone light my cig, fetch my pumps, and get my fishnets...W, you've been bad"

Good doggy

FORBES: Zune Stinks

Naked man arrested for concealed weapon

coderman: damn, i made the news. i was hoping this could be kept quiet...
coderman: "A man was arrested on suspicion of carrying a concealed weapon after police found him outdoors -- naked -- and he told them he had a tool in his rectum... The man was lying on a tree stump, masturbating beside a nature path, near a Bay Area Rapid Transit station Thursday, police said."

Truth in Advertising (physics humor)

In the last 500 million years, there have been two ice ages where vastly higher carbon dioxide levels prevailed in the earth's atmosphere--up to 16 times the present level.

TimLearysHead: nice accompaniment to this rechump UK Tele article
fridge: The global warming debate is over only if you stick your fingers in your ears and yell 'LALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA I'M NOT LISTENING LALALALALALALALALALALALA'
fridge: Or you are Al Gore.
TimLearysHead: a lot of people don't understand the precautionary principle. The precautionary principle guides that in this case where we suspect but do not know the dangers, we should where practical switch to less-carbon-emitting technologies, NOT that we should switch to confirmed-dangerous nuclear technologies and run arms flailing and guns waving skreaming that the sky is falling and "conquer in the name of Greenhouse!".
TimLearysHead: not that all of that has come to pass yet ...
TimLearysHead: tip: another word for 'precautionary principle' is 'being careful'. I know it's not as sexy, but wtf.
TimLearysHead: generally, 'being careful' doesn't involve acting like a headless chicken, or a lemming
Oliber: <lemming> eh oh!
TimLearysHead: yeah, obviously unless you are a headless chicken, or a lemming, respectively.
TimLearysHead: "Giegengack"


elc: El salami se trata de un embutido en salazón que se elabora con una mezcla de carnes de vacuno y porcino sazonadas y que es posteriormente ahumado y curado al aire.


est: goes well with the superspacerock

Malcolm Gladwell on "Are You a Connector?"

{dirac} BBC-developed COMPLETELY UNENCUMBERED video codec opensource project

TimLearysHead: "now available in useable code" .. "Java implementations are becoming available to allow other applications to be developed"
rovar: s/unecumbered/ineffective
TimLearysHead: "The conditions of the MPL mean that we're licensing these patents for use within the Dirac software for free."
TimLearysHead: " You can use the encoder directly, using raw video in planar YUV format. Or you can download and install the patches for ffmpeg or transcode and use those."
TimLearysHead: todo
fridge: Any comparisons available?

Perens v Novell et al

TimLearysHead: rechump for quote this: "In plain language Microsoft will pay Novell a lot of money in return Novell will pay MS a lesser amount of money which is explicitly defined as 'royalty payments based on a percentage of its revenues from open source products' in order to establish a combined FUD/threat of MS patent suit against all other Linux distributions."
TimLearysHead: oh! a gem: "There are also some little bonuses for Microsoft, like Novell will help Microsoft turn back the Open Document Format and substitute something Microsoft controls."
TimLearysHead: Novell, gtfo
TimLearysHead: EFF, wtfu
TimLearysHead: <M$> We invented "software".
TimLearysHead: "Microsoft also secures Novell's assistance in pushing a pro-Software-patenting agenda in Europe and elsewhere."
TimLearysHead: +1 insightful: "This is a MS answer to Oracle/RedHat. MS blessed Linux, there can be only one."
TimLearysHead: "a) Novell are the kings of identity management. b) Microsoft's server and enterprise business rests on identity management. c) Microsoft's server and enterprise business tramples on who-knows-how-many Novell patents."
TimLearysHead: or perhaps .. "to take attention away from Oracle's recent announcement and to further depress Red Hat in the stock market"
TimLearysHead: Red Who?
TimLearysHead: interesting: "IBM was agreed with SCO to do 'Monterey Project', a large 64bit OS Project.later cunningly left SCO, since profit was better from Linux rather than SCO UNIX. The betrayal is the main cause for the SCO-IBM Lawsuit."
TimLearysHead: <groklaw> Obviously there is a corporate dance the community isn't invited to.
TimLearysHead: Microsoft, it is a virus. Sucked in.
TimLearysHead: Machiavelli says, partner with the smaller because they need you and make sure that they always need you.
TimLearysHead: "maybe ms wants to have something in hand when the eu comes with another monopoly suit."
TimLearysHead: <M$> We protect you from FUD by issuing ... MORE FUD!~! MUHAHAHAHAHA
TimLearysHead: Pushing through the market square, So many mutha's crying, News had just come over, We had five years left to try in

Rumsfeld resigning is an unexpected show of sanity and/or decency

Rent time on a FGPA Array

TimLearysHead: <laney> FGP(A^2) :o)
TimLearysHead: <rovar> Yea the Copa.. Copacobana.. will pwn your DES like a banana!

Unwire Portland informal testing RFP

coderman: oh yeah, i'll "test" your shit, punks!

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