#infoAnarchy Chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006RSS

last updated at 2006-11-10 23:45

I am in your /etc, cracking your uids!!!


coderman: "Dems want to know more about the NSA's secret warrantless eavesdropping on Americans. They drop a subpoena on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and President Bush. Both claim the documents are protected by executive privilege or too classified. What happens next?"
coderman: "The Judiciary Committee, followed by the full House, votes to hold Gonzales in contempt of Congress--a federal crime with a punishment of up to a year in prison. After Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, certifies the contempt citation, she then forwards it along to the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, demanding that he haul Gonzales before a grand jury."
coderman: codetock says: "BIG MESS, ALL OVER!"
coderman: codetock recommends: "RUBBER BOOTS, AT CAPITAL HILL"
TimLearysHead: it's speculative fiction

War Games 2: The Dead Code

Ruminations about the gap between the good and the great when the skill is making money

coderman: "I think there are three reasons we treat making money as different: the misleading model of wealth we learn as children; the disreputable way in which, till recently, most fortunes were accumulated; and the worry that great variations in income are somehow bad for society."
coderman: a nice rant against the foolish attraction of collectivism
coderman: i like the allusion to hacking college admission process at the end of the footnotes.
TimLearysHead: um yes .. because great wealth == improportionate control. remember why we invented 'democracy'?
TimLearysHead: just as we may have benevelent dictators, we may have benevelonet rich. it doesn't make the financial system a sound means of assigning control over people and things.
coderman: if wealth == control in legislative process, then your process is vulnerable and will be hacked. fix the vulnerabilities; don't target wealth


cryptomail: UBER GHEY
cryptomail: <consumer>We want smaller, faster, <corp>OK <consumer>OWIE! <corp>F U
cryptomail: Anyone who files IMO should be put on that controversial list of kill options :)

The Information Factories

coderman: "THE DRIVE UP INTERSTATE 84, through the verdant amphitheatrical sweep of the Columbia River Gorge to the quaint Oregon town of The Dalles, seems a trek into an alluring American past. You pass ancient basalt bluffs riven by luminous waterfalls, glimpsed through a filigree of Douglas firs."
coderman: "You see signs leading to museums of native Americana full of feathery and leathery tribal relics. There are farms and fisheries, vineyards arrayed on hillsides, eagles and ospreys riding the winds. On the horizon, just a half hour's drive away, stands the radiant, snowcapped peak of Mount Hood, site of 11 glaciers, source of half a dozen rivers, and home of four-season skiing."
coderman: "Having clambered well up the petascale slope, Google has a privileged view of the future it is building – a perspective it's understandably reticent to share. Proud of their front end of public search and advertising algorithms, the G-men hide their hardware coup behind an aw-shucks, bought-it-at-Fry's facade." - LOL

digital photographs should also make beautiful reproductions printed in a magazine? no.

TimLearysHead: "color photographic prints vs. four-color reproduction printing"
TimLearysHead: "digital-capture with even the latest camera equipment does not contain enough information for large magazine reproductions at 300 dpi"

The Seven Levels of [insert artform here]

TimLearysHead: score +3 insightful
fridge: Please, no scoring.
TimLearysHead: -1 anal retentive


Dynamic hedging


Loads of digital camera comparison guides

TimLearysHead: colour space comparison Adobe RGB vs sRGB
TimLearysHead: note: displayed colors are only to aid in visualization, obviously your PC screen can probably not display much more than sRGB
TimLearysHead: 35mm vs 16mm DSLR CCD size
TimLearysHead: why not to worry
TimLearysHead: modern flash systems
TimLearysHead: bunch of thourough reviews

Weird Al - I'll Sue You

That's hot.

laney: It's not a real tractor, and prolly not beer. But, still.

This chic is a kernel hacker for intel.

Knuth sells out. (old but funny) =)


cryptomail: THAT'S AN ORDER
cryptomail: I'm in UR disco, dancing with UR Gurlz
cryptomail: first and last attempt at that :)

Linux on a NIC - "KillerNIC! With cheesy advertising free!"

Oliber: Nice idea, shame it's overpriced and marketed as a Games "performance" product

Kumoon. crazy game

seti: (via)
gresco: yeah. shoot at the fucking boxes!

Bush Jokes About Missing Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq

TimLearysHead: ha-ha

President Bush is "Divorced from Reality" In Iraq

gringo: 8,000 innocent people dead in two months. That is a terrible civil war. Far more people are now dying than at any period during Sadam's regime - which we propped up and sold weapons to.
seti: also on Wolf
TimLearysHead: P. Bush: "The enemy has got the capacity to get on your tv screens by killing innocent people"

650,000 Iraqi Civilian War Deaths? Bush Doesn't Buy It

TimLearysHead: Do you think this is a credible President?

Iraq Lament


Zerodhero: A Cheeky web designer has unleashed a site showing what life might be like if Microsoft took over Firefox.
Zerodhero: http://www.msfirefox.com/
Zerodhero: Site is extremely slow to load though....


Zerodhero: BlueScreen Screen Saver v3.2 from Microsoft

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