#infoAnarchy Chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006RSS

last updated at 2006-11-11 22:20

HA HA! </nelson>

Fortress Opens the Gates to Landmark Hedge-Fund I.P.O.

est: some kind of sign of the top?

The right attacks "San Francisco" specifically

cryptomail: Hey, just bait her with some hot dude
cryptomail: Then plaster it all over the news
cryptomail: I caressed his huge pecs but threw the cock away

Climate warming over the last quarter century is writ large in tiny fruit flies, according to a genetic analysis

TimLearysHead: :"inversions, in which a piece of chromosome is flipped around, were observed decades ago to correspond to the latitude"
TimLearysHead: <fruit fly> ooh .. I can feel it in my genes
TimLearysHead: :persuasive, but all the same, if we've only been observing fruit fly genes for decades, then observing a single trend over the same period is kinda meaningless .. we have no 'control' case to compare against
TimLearysHead: similar cases
TimLearysHead: another coverage of the fruit fly gene story
TimLearysHead: "In the same issue of Science, climate modellers report that they have calculated how much the Earth is being warmed. According to their analysis of the amount of heat stored in the oceans, every square metre of the planet is receiving net power of 1 watt from the Sun, after subtracting energy that is radiated out into space."
TimLearysHead: this is great .. re the 'nuclear debate' in australia .. we have all these people saying that alternative energy is not viable, and at the same time, saying that the sun is heating up the entire planet
TimLearysHead: :which is it? SUN HOT SUN STRONG, or ... ?
TimLearysHead: so 1W net incident minus X Watts converted to energy used by plants in defeating gravity and organising chemicals .. and animals in the same processes plus moving around .. and minus Y for humans in the same efforts plus making other stuff .. leaves how much causing net heating and which will dissipate through said processes plus radiation at which rate?


Monastery Life..

And you thought “macaca” was bad

coderman: "On Tuesday night, Klein was giving a speech at a charity event when he began musing about other Canadian politicians — including Belinda Stronach, an attractive Member of Parliament who created a firestorm in Canadian politics when she quit the Conservative Party in 2005 and joined with Paul Martin’s (now defunct) minority Liberal government.
coderman: "The move enraged Conservative supporters because it supplied Martin with the razor-thin majority he needed to save his government in the Parliamentary non-confidence vote that followed shortly after Belinda’s move. On top of that, the backstab had a soap-opera angle to it: Stronach’s decision to cross the floor ended her romance with fellow Conservative Peter MacKay, an eligible bachelor who has since been linked
coderman: "All of this back-story supplied Klein with his bring-down-the-house laugh line on Tuesday. “I wasn’t surprised [Belinda] crossed over,” he told the crowd. “I don’t think she ever did have a Conservative bone in her body - well, maybe one.”"
coderman: "After the laughter faded, Klein removed any ambiguity about the reference by seguing out with the words “Speaking of Peter MacKay…” According to this report, one guy in the front row laughed so hard he spat up his drink."


coderman: "Please Authenticate Permissive Action Links:"
coderman: ********
coderman: "Nuclear Weapons Armed. Have A Nice Day!"

COPACOBANA (Cost-Optimized Parallel COde Breaker)

coderman: i just wanted to say "COPACOBANA" to chump

UK Spy chief warns of teenage bombers

TimLearysHead: 1) problem, 2) solution ... why would these people want to terrorise? oh because of the attrocities committed in the name of the 'war on terror'. nice reverse solution to the chicken/egg problem, UKUSA arms/intel industry.
TimLearysHead: I am in ur kabinet, radikalizing ur youth.
TimLearysHead: <UK/USA intel> 1) solution, 2) problem .. 3) problem .. 4) ??? .. 5) PROFIT!!!!

TGN1412 (also known as CD28-SuperMAB)

coderman: "In its first human clinical trials, in March 2006, it caused catastrophic systemic failure in the subjects."
coderman: that's a euphamisc for "totally fucked them up for life"
coderman: or what short life is left.

etymology of 'market'

etymology of 'political'

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