#infoAnarchy Chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006RSS

last updated at 2006-11-18 10:11

<Mutiny> I need to watch for blood in my mucus

resveratrol increases endurance too

coderman: where can i buy this shit in bulk?
est: An ordinary laboratory mouse will run one kilometer on a treadmill before collapsing from exhaustion. But mice given resveratrol, a minor component of red wine and other foods, run twice as far.
est: Dr. Sinclair has been swallowing resveratrol capsules for three years and has said his parents and half the members of his laboratory do the same. So does Dr. Tomas Prolla at the University of Wisconsin, who said, łThe fact that investigators in the field are taking it is a good sign there is something there.˛
est: a resveratrol source
est: Dr. Sinclair dosed his mice daily with 22 milligrams of resveratrol per kilogram of weight, and Dr. Auwerx used up to 400 milligrams.

favorite monologue quotes

coderman: "You got to convince my vagina, seduce my vagina, engage my vagina's trust."
coderman: "There was nothing like this in tax law.

(Untitled - The name says it all)

Video Game Insanity

Zerodhero: Or you could just wait a couple of months and then buy it anywhere


Zerodhero: Guy Dressed As Wiimote Flipping Off Playstation 3 Campers

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