#infoAnarchy Chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006RSS

last updated at 2006-11-20 23:39

metafilter owned again

Is Lindsay Lohan a cutter?

coderman: apparently that is a news worthy question!
coderman: i know, i know; i am as shocked as you are.

Reubens Tube

cryptomail: <beavis/butthead>FIRE! HEHEH!

A brisk rise in American wages

coderman: sweet



Check Point Announces a Cash Tender Offer to Acquire Protect Data (maker of Pointsec software)

coderman: ... for US $586 million

VIA C7 1.5Ghz laptop

coderman: score++
coderman: "5+ hours of usable battery life", padlock crypto engine, etc, etc.
coderman: "2.9 hours at 100% CPU load"
silentfury: It's a VIA. Enough said.
coderman: yes. only a cell can touch the AES, SHA and MontMult bandwidth. (but still completely lacks entropy)
coderman: however, the name should be "Thong Fang" and not TongFang...
Mutiny: Everything else though will be slow as dirt.
Mutiny: But the crypto (you don't hardly ever use) will be slow as shit.

Young people in developed countries unhappy, survey says

coderman: "In the UK, more than 80 percent of 16- to 34-year-olds said they were as afraid of terrorism as they were of the getting cancer"
coderman: DHS Terrorist Threat Level: ARMAGEDDON IMMINENT


CSI: Miami's mIRC can do "mooovie OS!"

We have GNU Radio and gumstix. Someone now please make a GPL mobile phone, or at least a VOIP WiFi personal communicator with GPL hardware. Pretty please? Huh? Huh? Huh?

TimLearysHead: otherwise I will belt you with my Standard Forms Of Agreement, viz "to provide you with information about promotions, as well as the products and services of teh company ... and other organisations."
TimLearysHead: is this (OpenMoko) any good? is it really much "open"? or just some con?
TimLearysHead: oh. it's new .. not released yet ... hope not vapourware .. looks somewhat open .. now need an open telecomm .. "good luck with that" I guess
TimLearysHead: so far 118 messages and counting in their mailing list archives ...
TimLearysHead: #openmoko on irc.freenode.org

Actor Brand?

est: Ultraconcurrency (TM) brand massive concurency takes place when large numbers of computational primitives called Actors receive messages and then in response make local decisions, create more Actors, send more messages, and determine how to respond to the next message received.

Carl Hewitt on "Inconsistency is the Norm", Stanford, December 6th

est: E:|Carl Hewitt on "Inconsistency is the Norm", Stanford, December 6th
est: nconsistency is the norm for large-scale human-interaction information systems. The experience (e.g. Microsoft, the US government, IBM, etc.) is that inconsistencies (e.g. among implementations, documentation, and use cases) are pervasive and despite enormous expense have not been eliminated.
est: This paper proves a generalization of the Gödel/Rosser incompleteness theorem: a nontrivial paraconsistent theory is incomplete.
TimLearysHead: aka "the tao which can be written is not the Great Tao".
TimLearysHead: aka aka "deviations", "known bugs", "known errors", "exceptions", "contraindications", "discretionary powers" ...
TimLearysHead: remember not to hardcode your future.

The Ugly Looking US dollar Index

coderman: heh, '"Something's up" and it's not the US dollar Index.'

beware the iku iku byo!

lemonodor: http://www.globalorgasm.org/
est: clearly lemonodor engineering

peace orgasm


Zerodhero: Rangel Calls for Reinstating Military Draft
Zerodhero: WASHINGTON — A senior House Democrat said Sunday he will introduce legislation to reinstate the military draft, asserting that current troop levels are insufficient to sustain possible challenges against Iran, North Korea and Iraq.
Zerodhero: He said having a draft would not necessarily mean everyone called to duty would have to serve. Instead, "young people (would) commit themselves to a couple of years in service to this great republic, whether it's our seaports, our airports, in schools, in hospitals," with a promise of educational benefits at the end of service.
silentfury: Join the US Military - die for Israel!
Zerodhero: As Borat would say "We support your war of terror"
seti: they do this every year or so, and every year it gets voted down. nothing to see here, move right along.
seti: (I gave this same comment a year ago)
est: yes..people shouldnt take it too seriously. otoh, rangel's chairmanship will give it new visibility
est: in past years, ive seen people use "someone introduced a draft bill" as evidence of the republican menace..and it was rangel then too
est: in his "first, lost novel" heinlein depicted a system wherein war was only by plebiscite..and those who vote yes have to fight it
TimLearysHead: and i bet they got to divvy up the booty .. not a good solution, it dates to "year dot" and just leads to warlords
TimLearysHead: but I agree with the part about making the war pigs fight in their wars ...
TimLearysHead: well the sentiment .. its not practical and it is incompatible with not wanting a war
TimLearysHead: "we don't want a war .. but if we're gonna have one, you're fighting in it too" just equals "oh well looks like we're having another war, I hope you're coming this time"
TimLearysHead: here's one: you want a war, you go, we take all your stuff as soon as you're gone and lock the door behind you: don't come back. ever. thankyou mr wolfowitz.
TimLearysHead: and oh, btw, we put honey in your fuel, and your other car ... is the one I'm sitting in now, cya. give us a call when you've calmed down.

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