#infoAnarchy Chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006RSS

last updated at 2006-11-29 21:49


seti: awesomeness from b3ta

Hail to the Chief: On the limitless power Cheney ascribes to the Presidency

coderman: dick cheney needs to fuck himself

Buried Treasure (1924) [NSFW]

Myrinet 10GigabitEthernet solutions

seti: XFP based card, $895... also in low profile. PCI-Express x8

Jedi Cursor Tricks

est: source code
est: apparently The Force runs over Open Sound Control
fridge: apparently that is gay

U.S. forced Russia to shut down allofmp3.com

fridge: goodbye allofmp3.com, hello allofmp3.by

Why IE7 isn't much better than IE6

e7's pluggable text quoters in format strings


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