#infoAnarchy Chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006RSS

last updated at 2006-12-17 21:55

Sod the fuck off || Today is Sweetmorn

Person of the year: You!


seti: The end of the world is nigh!

The Force of Empty Space

Chris Hurl: Anti-Globalization and "Diversity of Tactics"

OverUnder: cache of http://auto_sol.tao.ca/node/view/1334 which seems to be fucked at the moment
OverUnder: "We remain fragmented insofar as we are unified by militant direct action rather than coherent theory and analysis. As such, our actions are often subordinated under a liberal 'progressive' hegemony."
OverUnder: The whole premise of 'diversity of tactics' described here seems .. useless .. and stupid .. basically a weasel word for 'chicken' .. too chicken to say that that one is {chicken to take part in some tactic, or chicken to oppose some tactic}
OverUnder: for a bunch of supposedly revolutionaries, seems like saying 'you solve it, not me' .. i think these movements are going to die off as most people become alienated from the protests at these types of large events
OverUnder: I think it shows basically that the protest movement is failing, this is angry frustration, it will take years and years for these movements to first die off, then grow again ..
OverUnder: effective protest, in a climate where the majority don't understand or agree with your message, literally means getting your message out -- do that, that is success, fail to do that, fail .. difficult to succeed if you have no coherent theory and analysis, and your actions are just alienating toddler rampages

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