#infoAnarchy Chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007RSS

last updated at 2007-05-01 19:21

#infoanarchy: it's just like stealing || AWW HELL YEAH

winery site gives tips on how to beat field sobriety tests

Mutiny: When tasting wine, its common drive from one winery to another. If you get pulled over, and the officer detects the scent of alcohol in your car you may be asked to participate in Field Sobriety Tests.
bk: Public service from your local wine merchants

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Ash: redhate

Patents should not be ironclad protection for inventors because some inventions aren't unique, the Supreme Court ruled Monday.

seti: "... patents can be more trouble than their [sic] worth."
miketv: hey, that's american spelling mang
miketv: their only have one word for their over their you know
miketv: "If a company has a portfolio of patents, they're less valuable today than they were a year ago," .. that's called a bubble, buddy. Get out while you can.

democracy in the uk is officially dead, apathy killed it

miketv: who gives a fuck?
miketv: or .. apathy in the UK
miketv: (I thought it was eBay)


miketv: via

U.S. capital a-twitter over phone list

est: "I'm sure as heck not going to federal prison for one day, let alone four to eight years, because I'm shy about bringing in the deputy secretary of whatever," she told ABC, "I'll bring in every last one of them if necessary."
laney: I just got a massage.
est: video
est: i wonder if there are some phone numbers in reserve
est: she had all her assets seized under RICO, but the prosecution hasn't named anyone she was "conspiring" with
miketv: re: "prostitution ring catering to powerful clients"
miketv: seriously doubt the significance of the activities is not in whether actual sex was performed, but rather in who paid for whom, and to what degree .. of course the pres will manage to brush over that in the hysteria of OMG PEOPLE PAY FOR SEX?!!!!
miketv: press .. not pres .. althgouh ...
miketv: <enron> hey, send a couple limos of escorts round to <omitted>'s place for the night, yeah
miketv: <omitted> AWW HELL YEAH

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