#facestab chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008RSS

last updated at 2008-06-17 23:51

Henry Rollins for Democratic Vice President || in tock we trust

W T F ? ? ?

coderman: clearly i need to eat more acid to understand ...

Special Containment Procedure, Object Designation: 4815


Own a piece of the crypto wars



From the more good news dept.: Wiretap Ruling Dies Slow Death As Congress Moves Towards Telecom Amnesty

coderman: "the agreement is meant to look like there's a judicial process. In cases against the telecoms, the Attorney General can ask the nation's secret spying court or the federal district court to determine if the government gave the telecoms a piece of paper saying the government thought the program is legal. If so, then the action gets thrown out."
seti: you only have got something to hide if you are guilty. are you guilty, citizen?
coderman: totally. i'm guilty of slandering america!!! clearly i should be labeled an enemy combatant, and stripped of citizenship :P
rabbi: Hand me your gun, and I will be.

Criticism is slander, according to George W. Bush


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