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last updated at 2008-08-11 22:52

Sorry, old


In damning transcript, ex-CIA official says Cheney likely ordered letter linking Hussein to 9/11 attacks

seti: Digg comments are as usual full of lol
coderman: sadly, given the administration's talent for purging any digital or hardcopy trail of their illegal activities, this too will go down as "unsubstantiated rumor" in the history books.

Dog-cloner denies she was Mormon sex kidnapper

seti: OH YES SHE WAS!!!!!!!!
Mutiny: THOSE EYES.... THOSE EYES....,
Mutiny: After three months on remand in Holloway Prison she was released on bail because of failing mental health.
Mutiny: What the fuck?
Mutiny: Crazy bitch goes to jail and then is released for being a crazy bitch?! Those brits sure have a fucking wacky prison system.
Mutiny: She definitely has The Gleam.
Mutiny: RULE 34
Mutiny: Crazy enough to kidnap somebody she loved, crazy enough to close a dog she loved.
Mutiny: "Anderson, a devout Mormon, apparently sought advice from his bishop, who told him to sever ties with McKinney and move away from Utah." GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS CHICK NOW BEFORE SHE GOES MORE PSYCHO ON YOU
Mutiny: I've spotted another uncanny resemblance...
Mutiny: But perhaps the most persuasive circumstantial evidence to suggest that Joyce and Bernann are the same woman, is that a Joyce Bernann McKinney is registered as living in Avery County, North Carolina - birthplace of the Mormon sex slave kidnapper.

Mutiny feel's bad about taking coderman's money.

Mutiny: NOT

Double oh Roll



pretender: Watching this video actually made me sick
pretender: And incredibly angry

Dave Barry goes to see a Beijing opera

jillzilla: "There are a lot of ignorant, narrow-minded, uninformed and just plain stupid people who will tell you that the Beijing Opera is weird and boring. I agree with these people."

Dave Barry on the Great Wall of China...literally

Dave Barry on China

The troops on the ground

seti: shocking.

How Habbush helped smear opponents of war in Iraq

US now requires foreign travelers to get "permission" before embarking on their trips

pretender: I'm just not going to travel to the US anymore until they have had their next revolution
rovar: This is going to get shut down faster than you can say Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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