#facestab chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009RSS

last updated at 2009-09-17 21:23

Swine Flu And You

rtorrent: linux command line torrent app with minimal dependencies

surrael: usage?: rtorrent -o dht=on -s ./temp blah.torrent
surrael: etc
surrael: seems to have the same problem with connecting to piratebay as ctorrent has
surrael: either that, or something else is causing problems for me .... someone may want to work on simplifying the bittorrent system again
seti: then the problem likely is at the other end - still haven't seen any evidence so far that TPB is blocking on User-Agent, and getting "Connection timed out" sort of precludes that anyway

Strange Culture: doco about FBI pursuit of gene-art researcher Steve Kurtz

surrael: tilda swinton in there somewhere too
surrael: "Federal authorities are prosecuting Steve Kurtz under the Patriot Act for using harmless bacteria in his artwork." the nation
surrael: this is what we were afraid of ...

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