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last updated at 2009-09-22 19:28

No more dollars, Tehran set to use Euros as main foreign exchange currency

Ash: why do you think they are on the USA's shitlist? they got on it after announcing this a while ago
seti: they've been on the USA's shitlist ever since they kicked out the USA's petty dictator the Shah back in 1979
Ash: and kept a bunch of embassy folks as hostages



surrael: "You look out at the sea of people from the stage, and your mind tells you, 'That's what hundreds of thousands of people looks like,'" Adrian Benepe, the parks commissioner, said. "Now we know it's 48,500."

did "a million people march on washington (9/12/09)"?

surrael: "photograph ... doesn't include the National Museum of the American Indian? That means the picture was taken before the museum opened exactly five years ago..."
surrael: actual numbers? "Piringer, public affairs officer for the DC Fire and Emergency Department ... 'unofficially' estimated ... between 60,000 and 75,000 people..."
surrael: more guessing with more-entertaining comments
surrael: "The Orange Bowl uses stadium seating; public streets don't. So yes, I could easily believe that a capacity Orange Bowl crowd would fill the yellow areas in the picture (especially if the Orange Bowl isn't drawn to scale)."
surrael: "For the range to be reported from 35K to 2 million tells me there's a lot of people talking about this who don't know what the fuck they're saying."
surrael: since when did the media forget how the fuck to count? oh yeah ... murdoch

Linus calls Linux 'bloated and huge': No diet plan in sight

surrael: "Linux performance had dropped about two per centage points at every release, for a cumulative drop of about 12 per cent over the last ten releases."
surrael: <Linus> our icache footprint is scary
surrael: "I think we've been pretty stable," he said. "We are finding the bugs as fast as we're adding them..."
surrael: "It's unacceptable but it's also probably unavoidable"

In finance, be cautious of anyone who uses historical correlation to back up their argument. In shipping, just flat out run from them.

surrael: nothing to see here, move along
surrael: "there is no way the BDI is a reliable leading indicator of much" ... not sure that anyone was proposing it as such ... thought it was simply illustrative of the fact that the economy was (is?) real, real dead, while financial markets, press releases etc tried to claim otherwise .. ?
surrael: ie financial markets are great indicators for future ... but not good for 'right now' ... BDI is good for right now, but shows little about future markets ..
surrael: "long term (since 1985), the Baltic Dry Index and the S&P 500 have had a positive correlation of 0.5 ... year to date, they have had a negative correlation of -0.4, which implies a significant inverse relationship between the two."
surrael: pretty much proves that the finance markets are flying in the face of what is really going on ... which is also reflected in press releases etc saying that we need to drive markets up, it is a reflection of the result of the campaign to drive up the flagging market ... but it doesn't answer whether it is in fact possible to do so, or whether any recent gains are sustainable
surrael: or so i imagine
surrael: ah .. the guy has a valid, saliant point .. the comparison of a 1yr period vs a long-term average is not valid .. the comparison should have been made vs an average of some randomly chosen 1yr periods
surrael: calculate the standard deviation of the sampled years (say ten or so such periods..?) and then see, is the latest year within those SDs, or is it outside? ie is the current 'variation' even statistically significant and by how much?
surrael: please send me money

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