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last updated at 2009-09-26 19:55


More stuff they didn't teach you in school (or in the grocers!): common weed sow thistle is another edible one

surrael: sow thistle nutritional profile here
surrael: remember that most coucils and farmers use pesticides to kill all sorts of stuff, be careful to avoid getting food that has been poisoned
surrael: in industrial countries at least
surrael: it has some similar brethren .. tell them apart using this handy guide ;-)
surrael: another common weed is catsear which is basically just like the dandelion it looks like, both are edible and considered beneficial to liver
surrael: your liver, not the one on your plate ;-)
surrael: catsear info from plants for a future
surrael: [more info here|http://www.wildmanstevebrill.com/Plants.Folder/Plants.html
surrael: well i can't find a reference for whether catsear is also a liver tonic like dandelion, but i'm sure i read it somewhere ... at least it's not toxic
surrael: crepis is another genus of edible species which resemble dandelion and catsear

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