#facestab chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009RSS

last updated at 2009-10-20 16:26

dirac video encoding compression format thingo seems to be about finished (since last year)

surrael: this is a completely unencumbered video codec fyi
surrael: "we're pretty sure"
surrael: produced by the BBC
surrael: test streams

Ah can eat gless, it disnae hurt us.

surrael: ?????????????????????????????????????


surrael: "probably the most fun I've ever had, and I never wanted to leave"
jillzilla: *"There is some sort of conspiracy between Pokemon characters and Australia. I dunno what the connection is, but somebody needs to get to the bottom of it. It's 420, here, so I'll have to rely on you all."
jillzilla: I have no idea what is wrong with these people.
surrael: "fucking weird and a small step above wearing sweat pants to work"
surrael: I TOLD YOU. STEAL
jillzilla: "Your assholeness is second to none Koala. You are a base and vile creature sitting in your bucket of water and I am sickened by you."
surrael: :((
surrael: GO SANTINO~!!!
surrael: o/' No knockin', head rockin', inter-shockin' Shootin', cussin', killin', cryin', lyin' And bein' cute o/'"
surrael: just more evidence of a person with MUCH TOO MUCH TIME ON THEIR HANDS
surrael: (click the features tab)



Miami full of hot, dumb people


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