#facestab chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009RSS

last updated at 2009-12-14 23:48

kitten kitten kitten || hyperlinks that corrupt traditional values // is there any other kind? \\ * surrael stabs self in face with code :\


rik: 'A Virus Walks Into a Bar ... ' and Other Science Jokes - Brian Malow
seti: groan
seti: math jokes are still the best thing in the universe. mentally more sustaining than even pancakes!

Mozilla fix bug via sneakernet? maybe take hammer? fix good.

surrael: broken for three years
surrael: mozilla's version of "its'", fwiw
surrael: i guess this is what wikipedia needs US$7.5m for ...
surrael: put some paint on it, maybe noone will notice ... cover up the ugly urls with bodgeys until ... oh fuck .. now do i have to escape the %27 or not?
surrael: making the system more complex with stupid kludgey workarounds != enhancing security
surrael: programmers who cannot figure out escaping need to find new jobs
surrael: there is no way to 'fix it in the client' so please don't try
surrael: the non-programmatic permanent fix for escaping issues is called retrenchment

Consensus On Kitten Killing

seti: actually about global warning denialism.
surrael: kill an american a minute until it sorts itself out? can it be digby? kill a digby a minute ... mmmm :)
surrael: This is what I mean by "malicious bullshitting."
surrael: damn. this guy is onto me.
seti: why do you hate digby?
surrael: when did you stop beating your wife?
surrael: i just want global warming to end :) if it takes a digby a minute to do it, lets get started!
surrael: but seriously, i thought this was a channel where we hate everybody?
seti: we stab out of love, not hate
surrael: /me stabs seti :)

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