#facestab chump Archives for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009RSS

last updated at 2010-02-09 23:35

Al Franken pwnz Compcast CEO

kandinski: More politicians all over the world should be like him

Just the room to invite a girl to (NSFW)

kandinski: "yes, I would love to see your collection of EEEEK!"
kandinski: "I said I love KITTENS; KITTENS fergodsake"
nene: Surprisingly not all the dolls have their legs wide open
kandinski: The guy has eclectic tastes
nene: Yes, I can see several different sailor uniforms

Miss Me Yet? billboard

jillzilla: Allow me to reply to the billboard: FUCK NO
kandinski: NOPE
kandinski: Wait maybe sometimes when watching slightly-less-funny Daily Shows because they don't have as good materialwait NO WAY
jillzilla: I'd much rather be filled with rage at the Democrats for being ineffectual, thank you very much.

"Sarah Palin is a fucking retard" -- Stephen Colbert

kandinski: I might make this my new ringtone
seti: full segment
seti: context actually adds a lot... start at around the 4 minute mark if you suffer from tl;dw

Driftglass rips Andrew Sullivan yet another new one


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