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last updated at 2010-05-19 16:27

welcome to #tmi || bring your own guatemalan elephant

Rep. Souder and mistress recorded a video praising abstinence

seti: this broke my hypocrisy meter. off the fucking charts, so to say
seti: Tom, the Dancing Bug: "The New Gay Stereotype"
seti: WaPo writes an article so full of Schadenfreude it's amazing it still fits within a browser window

Super-cheap write-only storage on the Cloud!

kandinski: On the cloud, I tell you! The Cloooooooud!

Dyson Air Multiplier

Oliber: How muvalickin awesome? About a 9 maybe?
Oliber: http://www.dyson.co.uk/technology/airmultiplier.asp#HowItWorks - click the playshort video to understand a little bit more...


Bad Astronomy: Rampaging cannonball star is rampaging


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