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last updated at 2014-04-18 22:29

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Dr. Nerdlove: Ending Sexual Harassment In Geek Culture

jillzilla: "In the realm of potential absurd over-reactions, is there anything, anything more insane, than somebody deciding that the only possible response to believing that somebody’s opinion about Mass Effect, or Altair or Black Widow or The Dark Knight Rises or what-have-you is to promise to track them down and violate them with a stick? I mean that is insane. Pants-on-head, smearing-shit-on-the-walls insane."

Oklahoma students know less about evolution after Biology I than they did before taking it

jillzilla: \Oklahoma students know less about evolution after Biology I than they did before taking it

Snowden Calls BS On Putin's Answer: Says He Was Playing The Role Of Ron Wyden

seti: The guy called out the hypocrisy of the guy who gave him asylum. Now that's bravery.

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